The online saving feature of your Coffee Table Book has many benefits:
It is very secure, i.e. you do not have to worry about running your own backups during the design process.
Our saving feature is free of charge for 90 days starting from the last edit. As soon as you start editing again, the storage period will be extended for another 90 days.
You can access your Coffee Table Book project online from any location.
If you wish to show your Coffee Table Book to others before ordering, you can share it very easily through our online system.
We save your project automatically so that all modifications are always secure. Saving takes place every five minutes and without the need for you to perform any manual saving. Of course, you can run an additional manual saving process at any time.
Your Coffee Table Book project will remain saved with us for 90 days. However, you can extend this storage period by opening the project and saving it once again. This way we know that you are still actively working on this project. Of course, we will also send you a reminder by e-mail and in good time before we delete your photo project.